Wanting to Attract Healthy & Happy Love…Regardless of Your Past?

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey towards creating a love that's healthy, happy, and lasting? If so, our exclusive 12-week coaching program, "Seasons of Love - Black Women Nurturing Self Love and Cultivating Lasting Love in 90 Days," is tailor-made for you!

How will you transform?

Trusting Self: Gain confidence in your decision-making abilities and trust your intuition, leading to greater self-assurance and clarity in your choices with men. No more guessing or falling for Mr. Wrong.

Show up with Discerning Vulnerability: Embrace vulnerability as a strength, allowing for more authentic and meaningful connections.

Embrace Your Feminine Power: Step into your innate strength as a woman who confidently wields her feminine energy while navigating the corporate world, striking a harmonious balance between leadership and feminine essence.

Be an Energic Magnet: Become a magnet for higher caliber and men by embodying self-confidence and authenticity.

Develop Healthy Communication: Enhance communication skills to express needs and emotions effectively, promoting harmony and intimacy in relationships.

Transformed Relationship Thoughts: Shift limiting beliefs about yourself and relationships, paving the way for healthier and more fulfilling connections.

Love Who You Are: Take care of yourself, like you would your most precious belonging. No more negating your self-care and prioritization.

Choose Mr. Right One not Mr. Right Now or Mr. Wrong: Discover how to allow the one who truly respects and cherishes you. No more wasting time on the wrong men.

Boost Your Confidence: Your self-awareness will soar, like having a cheerleader inside you. No more feeling unsure or not good enough.

Apply for the "Seasons of Love Black Women Nurturing Self Love to Lasting Love” women's coaching program and you'll find yourself happier, more confident, and ready to create a beautiful, lasting love story. It's your journey to love, just as you've always dreamed it could be."

What’s Included

1. Two Weekly Live Intimate Group Coaching Calls: Our intimate group coaching sessions create a safe and supportive space for sharing experiences, insights, and growth. Connect with like-minded black women on a similar journey. VALUED $997

2. Participation with a “Private Seasons of Love” Facebook Group - Priceless

3. Six One-on-One Coaching Sessions: Receive personalized attention with private coaching sessions. Address individual challenges, celebrate progress, and receive tailored guidance. VALUED AT $1,500

4. “Seasons of Love” Journal: A beautifully designed journal customized to represent each of the four symbolic seasons. Participants will use this journal to reflect on their relationship journey, express emotions, and track their progress throughout the program. VALUED AT $40

5. “Seasons of Love” Journey Box: Start your journey with a specially curated bag of tools and goodies to enhance your experience and practice self-care and love readiness. VALUED AT $35

6. Exclusive Love Camp Curriculum: a comprehensive 12-week curriculum covering the four seasons, focusing on self-love, attraction, communication, honesty, trust, respect, safety, and vulnerability. VALUED AT $1,800

7. Customized Crystal Love Kit: A carefully curated crystal love kit, tailored to each season's theme. These crystals will align with your energy for clarity and emotional support, as well as provide balance throughout the program. VALUED AT $40

8. Audio Meditations: Weekly audio meditations, each tailored to the themes of the respective seasons, to aid participants in connecting with their inner selves. VALUED $497


  • "Seasons of Love" Workbook: A comprehensive workbook containing exercises, prompts, and worksheets to accompany each week's curriculum. This workbook will serve as a guide for participants to implement what they learn into their lives. VALUED AT $55

  • Relationship Communication SERIES VALUED AT $79

  • Online Dating Guide VALUED AT $40

    TOTAL VALUE $5,083

This program is for you if:

  • You're Done with the Wrong Type of Men: If you've ever wondered why you keep attracting the same unhealthy relationships, this program will help you break the cycle and discover the love you truly deserve.

  • You Need to Learn Healthy Relationship Skills: Building a lasting connection requires essential skills like communication, trust, and respect. Our program will equip you with the tools you need to cultivate a strong, loving partnership.

  • You Want to Build Confidence in Dating: Confidence is attractive, and we're here to help you boost your self-assurance, so you can approach dating with a newfound sense of empowerment.

  • You're Tired of Love Eluding You: Love can seem elusive, but with the right guidance and mindset, it's within your reach. Our program will help you understand the dynamics of love and attraction.

  • You Want to Love Yourself More: Understanding that self-love is the first step to attracting a fulfilling relationship. We'll guide you through the journey of self-acceptance and appreciation, helping you to realize your true worth and beauty.

  • You NEED to Learn How to Build a Healthy, Loving Relationship: It's all about the foundation. We will provide you with the right tools, knowledge and skills to create and maintain a healthy, nurturing relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding.

  • You Want to Date with Confidence: Say goodbye to insecurities and hello to a new, confident you. Our program empowers you to approach dating with a positive mindset, teaching you how to present your best self and make meaningful connections.

  • You're Searching for True Love: Unveiling the secrets to finding a deep, lasting love. We will help you identify what true love means to you and how to recognize it when it comes, guiding you towards a relationship that fulfills and uplifts you.

  • You Want to Meet a Great Man but Aren't Sure How: Attracting a quality partner isn't a matter of luck; it's about knowing how attraction and alignment work. I’ll teach you how to draw the right person into your life.

Experience The Love Camp Difference

At The Love Camp, we've crafted a transformative approach, using our Seven Foundations and Factors of Love, life-changing activities like trust-building activities that foster openness and vulnerability, honest communication challenges that encourage you to be completely honest with yourself and your future partners, or even forgiveness and release techniques for letting go of past hurts and building trust within yourself and future relationships.

We know that our approach will guide you towards healthier and more fulfilling relationships in our Seasons of Love Coaching Program

Don't wait any longer to embark on your journey to love and connection. Fill out the form below to be contacted about our “Seasons of Love from Self Love to Lasting Love” Coaching Program!

“Love, authentic love, acts as a key, unlocking facets of ourselves that remain concealed in solitude, ultimately completing our true selves.”

Renee Miller, MBA, PCC

You deserve love.